George Armstrong Custer Poster - Colonel U.S. 7th Cavalry Not only was Ulysses Grant a real military genius, he was an astute politician. In 1875 President Grant knew there was a possibility that George Custer could be the Democratic Candidate for the Presidency in the next election. Grant knew Custer; knew he was charismatic, liked to talk, and knew how to do it. Everything the President wasn't. So President Grant had Custer transferred out west, knowing that there'd be a good chance Custer would get himself killed. Custer couldn't help himself, and on June 25, 1876 his headstrong, break-neck attack methods sealed his fate, and that of his command against the 2000 or more Sioux and Cheyenne at the Little Big Horn or Greasy Grass River. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line