Open Range Holster Ready to Ship
open range holster ready to ship – a classic sample old west holster from the last best west
Charley Leather Holster
The Charley Waite rig from Open Range{2003}

Charley rig with spots on an 1880s circa Cowboy
Charley Leather Holster is patterned after a traditional 2 loop holster from the 1880s. It is also the same look worn by Charley, in that excellent western film, Open Range. This holster is a closed toe design and is Deadwood Brown. THIS IS A SAMPLE HOLSTER AND IS UNLINED.
Kevin Costner’s, Open Range, has a different premise than many westerns of this type. In the old westerns, range wars erupted when farmers attempted to put up barb wire across open range. In this movie Boss Spearman, Charley Waite, and their 2 man crew are moving their herd of cattle across community range, and are denigrated as, Free Grazers, by the local cattle magnate. Who then proceeds to try to steal their herd, kills their friend, their dog, and puts their 16 year old wrangler on his death bed.
Bad move. Turns out Charley Waite is a rerformed gun man, with some psychological issues from his days as a hired pistol fighter. The Town rallies around the out-gunned strangers, and the final gunfight scenes are some of the best ever staged and one of the movies highlights. Here’s Charleys Hat ~ Boss Spearmans
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