legends of the fall

  • Our version of the Alfred Legends of the Fall Hat - the Aidan Quinn hat from Legends of the Fall (1994) This crown shape is the forefather of the Open Road crown shape, and looks good anywhere you might like to wear it, from the Boardroom to the Billiards Hall. Movie hat has an 1898 bow, and if you'd like it on your hat just request it in the PRODUCTION  NOTES.
    • Color Shown: Chocolate brown
    • Crown: Modified Cattleman
    • Brim: Hand worked-open
    • Hatband: 1" inch Satin with bow
    • CROWN HEIGHT: 4 3/4
    • BRIM: 3 1/2"
    Our hats off to Joshua Anthony for ordering the first one
  • Brad Pitt Tristan Movie Hat

    Our interpretation of the Brad Pitt Tristan Movie Hat in Legends of the Fall (1994) Our Legends of the Fall cowboy hat is a classic cowboy hat design worn by many of our favorite cowboy movie heroes through film history. In Legends of the Fall this hat style is worn by Brad Pitt as Tristan Ludlow, in this big sweeping western story.
    • Crown: 5 1/4 inches
    • Brim: 4"
    • Color Shown: Sahara; with optional medium trail dust.
    • Crown: Pinched front, Pecan top
    • Brim: Hand rolled-open
    • Hatband: 1" dark brown leather
  • Decker Movie Hat

    Our take on the Decker Movie Hat - from Legends of the Fall (1994) Perhaps the most distinctive of all the hats in Legends of the Fall, this tall crowned wide brimed hat has a tight 3 pinch cavalry or Gus creasing to the crown, and a hand shaped brim.

    We're showing this hat in frontier (long-haired) beaver fur-felt, but can just  as easily be done in our standard. If you prefer the Decker in our standard fur felt, just ask for it in the production notes below.


    • Crown: 6 inches
    • Brim 4"
    • Color Shown: Chocolate; in frontier fur felt.
    • Crown: 3 pinch cavalry or Gus crease
    • Brim: Hand Curl-open
    • Hatband: 1/2" grosgrain ribbon with 1898 bow
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