Leather Hat Bands

Leather Hat Bands

Our creative and original hat band designs are just the thing to jazz up an old hat, or give a new hat a different look. The designs are different enough to appeal to most people, and a great gift for any cowboy that likes to stand out from the herd!

If your old hat has a a grosgrain ribbon and bow, our hatbands are designed to just slide over top. This gives you a second unique look to your hat, just like the old time cowboys used to do, and easily slides off, allowing for use on other hats.

  • Preacher Leather Hat band - hand made by the last best west.

    3/4" inch quality black leather with nickel cross conchos.

    Preacher Hatband shown on our Poker City Jim hat.

    • Ordering the right size

    • Medium Fits hat sizes 6 3/4 to 7 3/8

    • Large fits hat sizes 7 1/2 to 8

  • Barbwire Custom Hatband - an old west leather hatband hand made by the last best west

    Get our Barbwire Cowboy Hatband and never leave the range with this great looking hatband!

    We use two colors of latigo lace knotted and twisted similar to barb wire. Looks best over top of a ribbon and bow hatband, Shown on our Yellowstone Kelly Hat.

    • Ordering the right size

    • Medium Fits hat sizes 6 3/4 to 7 3/8

    • Large fits hat sizes 7 1/2 to 8

  • Cattleman Cowboy Hatband - Riding for the brand. 3/8" wide leather hatband with ranger fancy buckle set. Color: Deadwood Brown Any of our hatbands work fine for men or women and are easily taken off and put on another hat. Adds a nice dressy touch just like the old time cowboys used to do. Fits hat sizes from 7 to 7 3/4. Shown on our Bohannon and Tom Mix hats.
  • Wrangler southwest hat band - For the Buckeroo in all of us.

    Dynamic colors in a south west motive, the ribbon is 3/4 inch wide and tied off at the back with a wooden slider. Our colorful Wrangler southwest hat band will tell the world that you are from the West. In North America, a wrangler is someone employed to handle animals professionally, especially horses, but other types of animals as well. Wranglers also handle the horses and other animals during the making of motion pictures.
  • Tracker Custom Hatband 1" inch of quality tooling leather stamped with 7 bear paws. You supply the 1,000 yard stare! Shown in Timbre Brown also available in Black, Deadwood Brown, Burnt Coffee Brown and Royal Blue.  Shown on our Wasey hat.
  • Ranger Hatband hand made by the last best west

    Law and order every time!

    1" inch of quality dyed tooling leather with cut out star conchos. Hatband shown on our Poker City Jim
    • Available Colors Black, Deadwood Brown and Timbre Brown.
    • Ordering the right size
    • Medium Fits hat sizes 6 3/4 to 7 3/8
    • Large fits hat sizes 7 1/2 to 8
  •  Big Boy Hatband - hand-made by the last best west 1/2" inch of quality dyed tooling leather with a 3 stamp pattern. Color: Deadwood Brown also available in Black, Timbre Brown, Burnt Coffee Brown and Royal Blue. Shown on our Laboeuf hat from 2010s True Grit.  ORDERING THE RIGHT SIZE MEDIUM FITS HAT SIZES 6 3/4 TO 7 3/8 LARGE FITS HAT SIZES 7 1/2 TO SIZE 8
  • Spotted Horse Cowboy Hatband hand made in leather by the last best west

    8 Turquoise spots on 1/2" inch 2 tone dyed and speckled leather

    Spotted Horse Cowboy Hatband shown on our Cimarron hat.

    • Ordering the right size

    • Medium Fits hat sizes 6 3/4 to 7 3/8

    • Large fits hat sizes 7 1/2 to 8

  • U.S. Cavalry Leather Hat Band hand made by the last best west

    Leather hat bands hand made by the last best west.

    Our U.S. Cavalry leather hat band has the classic US Cavalry button turned into a concho, with large antique brass spots to compliment the concho. Freshen the look of your favorite old hat with a new leather hat band from The Last Best West.

    Color: Antique Brown. Also available in Black, Deadwood Brown, Burnt Coffee Brown and Royal Blue.

    • Ordering the right size

    • Medium Fits hat sizes 6 3/4 to 7 3/8

    • Large fits hat sizes 7 1/2 to 8

  • Billy the Celt Hatband - hand made by the last best west

    Everyone has a little Irish in them!

    1 1/8" inch wide heavy leather hatband with nickel/brass celtic cross concho and spots.

    Color: Deadwood Brown. Also available in Black, Timbre Brown, Burnt Coffee Brown and Royal Blue.

    Billy the Celt Hatband shown on our Cimarron hat.

    • Ordering the right size

    • Medium Fits hat sizes 6 3/4 to 7 3/8

    • Large fits hat sizes 7 1/2 to 8

  • Shotgun Willie hatband - A double-barreled personality!

    a classic leather hatband hand made by the last best west 

    1 1/8" inch wide custom dyed, heavy leather hatband with 12 gauge concho and spots. Color: Timbre Brown. Also available in Black, Deadwood Brown, Burnt Coffee Brown and Royal Blue. Hatband shown on our Paladin hat.
    • Ordering the right size
    • Medium Fits hat sizes 6 3/4 to 7 3/8
    • Large fits hat sizes 7 1/2 to 8
  • ThunderHeart Custom Hatband - For all us superstitious cowboys! Antiqued Thunderbird conchos on 3/4" leather dyed dark Timbre Brown.  Also available in Black, Deadwood Brown, Burnt Coffee Brown and Royal Blue.

    We have adapted a stained oak slider so every customer gets a perfect fit for their replacement hatband. It’s surprisingly fast and you can easily take our hatband off and put it on a different hat.

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