Classic Cross Draw Holster - Simple, elegant and functional
Masterson Belt if you order the Rig is 1 1/2" - to accommodate belt loops on today's britches. We made sure it fits Levi's jeans, and when worn with a sport coat or longer coat, is the perfect holster for people with the conceal & carry permit. Holster works equally well as either a cross draw or strong hand draw style. If you'd like the cut out star concho on the holster, please request it in the production notes below.-
Two Handmade Leather Holsters - Mix the old with the new and get a holster for your semi-auto, and one for your Single Action Side Arm For your semi-auto you can select one of 3 holsters: M1911 WESTERN, M1911 HAMMERLESS, OR M1911 CLASSIC. For your single action holster select either a Masterson or our Black Knight Slim Jim. We have selected these two holsters because they look and work great either as a cross draw or a strong hand draw. See all our holsters here.