Last Best West Store

  • Cowboy Poster Respect ~ To a cowboy all women are ladies, and all ladies are respected. ~ All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Cowboy Code Poster Courage ~ Make your word your bond. Be courageous. Cowards and Quitters aren't tolerated in any outfit worth its salt. ~ All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Cowboy Code Defend Yourself ~ Defend yourself whenever necessary. Look out for your own. Always show your friendly intentions by drinkin' with yer gun hand. ~ All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Zen Brand Poster ~ Some days you're the Dog - some days you're the Fence Post. ~ All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Zen Brand Chewing Tobacco Poster - Cowboy Thoughts to Chew On This is one of the main reasons it just don't work running from your problems. ~ No matter where you go - there you are. . . . ~ All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Satchel Paige Poster - Satchel Paige was one of the first great, black baseball players, and as far as we know - he was never a cowboy. So we're making him an honorary one for this great quote. ~ Work like you don't need money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one is watching. ~ All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Cowboy Poster Use It Up - ~ Use it up; wear it out, make do - or do without. ~ All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • ~ Custer and the men of the Seventh rode out to meet their fate and the Sioux Nation, on June 25, 1876 at the Little Big Horn River ~    NOTE: Our name is on the website photo and NOT on the actual poster. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Young Guns Circa 1870 Poster - Charley Utter, Wild Bill Hickok, Buffalo Bill Cody, Texas Jack Omohundro, and Elisha Green. The photo that this poster was built around was originally taken in the early 1870s. At the time these men were performing in Ned Butlines "Scouts of the Prairie". As bad as most of the acting was - Hickok's stood out as the worst. The whole idea of acting was disagreeable to Wild Bill and he left after about 6 months. Hickok's disdain can be seen on his face in this poster, and notice how carefully the other men have their firearms staged around them - except Wild Bill: He's stood his long arm upside down!  NOTE: Our name is on the website photo and NOT on the actual poster. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Sundance Kid and Etta Place Poster - It's unlikely there's a more shadowy figure in the Old West than Etta Place. There is no doubt that this was not her real name, as Place was the Maiden name of Harry's (the Sundance Kid) mother, and other women that were associated with the Wild Bunch used the alias also. Virtually nothing is known of her other than the fact she was reputed to be a school teacher, but there's some that say she was a Texas prostitute that Butch Cassidy took under his wing and gave a fake history as a school Marm, so she could have a new start. A stunning, timeless, beauty - she was seldom seen without the Sundance Kid, and they often traveled together as man and wife.   NOTE: Our name is on the website photo and NOT on the actual poster. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Sam Houston Poster - First President of the Republic of Texas Houston's accomplishments are legion, including presiding over the formation of the Republic of Texas. The city of Houston, Texas was named for him.    NOTE: Our name is on the website photo and NOT on the actual poster. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Yellowstone Kelly Poster - Luther Sage "Yellowstone" Kelly was born in Geneva, New York State, in 1849. He joined the Union Army near the end of the Civil war and finished his enlistment in wild Army outposts in Minnesota and the Dakota's. After his army stint he headed further west and in the following decade he became as familiar with the Upper Missouri and Yellowstone River valleys as any white man of his time.   NOTE: Our name is on the website photo and NOT on the actual poster. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Pinkerton Circular for Tom Nixon - Alias Tom Barnes.  Stands 5'7" or 5'8" tall and was one of the robbers of the Union Pacific railway at Big Springs Nebraska on September 18, 1877. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Pinkerton Circular Oliver Curtis Perry - Pinkerton's National detective agency offered a $1000 reward for Train Robbery.   NOTE: Our name is on the website photo and NOT on the actual poster. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Pinkerton Circular for Reuben Burrows - Rueben Houston Burrows, AKA Rube Burrows was charged with highway robbery of the Southern Express Company with his father and a $700 reward was offered by the Pinkerton Detective Agency. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Zen Brand Dog Poster Cowboy Thoughts to Chew On All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around.
  • Las Vegas Vigilante Notice Poster - TO THIEVES, THUGS, FAKIRS AND BUNKO-STEERERS.  This Notice was directed primarily at SAW DUST CHARLIE, WM HEDGES, BILLY THE KID, BILL MULLIN, LITTLE JACK, THE CUTER, POCK-MARKED KID and then added AND ABOUT TWENTY OTHERS.  Any of these "Wanteds" found in the City after 10pm would be invited to a Neck Tie Party! All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Southern Indiana Vigilance Poster - These are exact replicas of actual Wanted Posters, Railway Circulars, Pinkerton Circulars, Exhibit Notices, and Vigilante Notices from about 1849 to 1900. Once a Wanted Poster Reward got big enough it usually resulted in the outlaws death or capture. Jesse James is a fine example of this. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Tyrannosaurus Tex Poster - We're excited to be able to offer this to our Last Best Customers. This whimsical poster showcases the excellent artistry of our good friend Mark Cromwell. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Reward for Sam and Belle Starr Poster - $10,000 in gold coin will be paid by the US Government for Sam and Belle Starr - DEAD OR ALIVE!  They are wanted for Robbery, Murder, Treason and other acts again the Peace and Dignity of the U.S. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Head of Joaquin Murieta Poster - Who was Joaquin Murieta? In the early days of the California Gold Rush (1849) there were 5 different Joaquins terrorizing the gold miners. One of their heads ended up in a pickle jar and on display for anyone with two-bits to view. . . All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Pony Express Recruitment Poster - From April 1860 to October 1861 the Pony Express was the fastest way to get your message from the East to the West; and back again. The "young, skinny, wiry fellows" all had to weight less than 125 lbs, and had to cover the 1966 miles from St. Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento, California in ten days. Through every imaginable type of hardship they rode across the States of Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, and California. In October, 1861 the Telegraph Wire was completed to the West Coast and the Pony Express was finished. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • 25000 For Jesse James Poster - Jesse Woodson James (September 5, 1847 – April 3, 1882) was an American outlaw, gang leader, bank robber, train robber, and murderer from the state of Missouri and the most famous member of the James-Younger Gang. Already a celebrity when he was alive, he became a legendary figure of the Wild West after his death. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line The James brothers were most active with their gang from about 1866 until 1876, when their attempted robbery of a bank in Northfield, Minnesota resulted in the capture or deaths of several gang members. They continued in crime for several years, recruiting new members, but were under increasing pressure from law enforcement. On April 3, 1882, Jesse James was killed by a member of his own gang, Robert Ford, who hoped to collect a reward on James' head.
  • John Wesley Hardin Poster The Terror of Texas Wes Hardin was so mean there's a story about Hardin staying at a boarding house - packed full of men. One of the men in the other room was snoring hard enough to bend the walls, and Hardin yelled over for culprit to cease and desist, or face the consequences. The man apologized, then an hour later, started right in snoring again. Wes yanked out his colt revolver and let loose. Did the man die? - who knows; no one's even sure the story ever took place - but with Hardin being as mean as a rattler, it could have. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  •  Wild Bunch Poster

    William Carver, Kid Curry, The Sundance Kid, The Tall Texan, Butch Cassidy. The Wild Bunch was a loose association of up to a dozen outlaws who banded together under the leadership of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid to rob banks, trains, and rustle horses and cattle. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Billy The Kid Poster - William H. Bonney II He was twenty-one and boldly bragging he'd killed 21 men, as he stood trial for his life. Hard men were all about the kid, with sidearms on their hips and rifles in their hands. The wild young man was found guilty and on April 8, 1881, was sentenced by Judge Warren Bristol to hang by the neck until "dead, dead, dead." On April 28, Pat Garrett went off to buy lumber for the gallows, and Billy went to work. There are three different stories on how Billy got his hands on a firearm that morning, but get one he did, and then The Kid cheerfully shot Deputies Bell and Ollinger, and escaped the makeshift jail at Lincoln, New Mexico. Pat Garrett later said, "I knew now that I would have to kill the Kid. We both knew that it must be one or the other of us, if we ever met." Billy was dead barely 2 months later from a bullet in the back from Garrett hiding in ambush. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • George Armstrong Custer Poster - Colonel U.S. 7th Cavalry Not only was Ulysses Grant a real military genius, he was an astute politician. In 1875 President Grant knew there was a possibility that George Custer could be the Democratic Candidate for the Presidency in the next election. Grant knew Custer; knew he was charismatic, liked to talk, and knew how to do it. Everything the President wasn't. So President Grant had Custer transferred out west, knowing that there'd be a good chance Custer would get himself killed. Custer couldn't help himself, and on June 25, 1876 his headstrong, break-neck attack methods sealed his fate, and that of his command against the 2000 or more Sioux and Cheyenne at the Little Big Horn or Greasy Grass River. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Black Bart Outlaw Poster - The Outlaw Poet Bart's first stagecoach robbery was reported in August of 1877. His method was simple - he'd wait for the stagecoach around a tight corner, with flour sack over his face (with two holes cut/ripped for the eyes) derby on his head, and shotgun in his arms wearing a long, linen duster. He'd exchange the contents of the strong box for a copy of some poetry and always signed it, Black Bart, PO-8. Bart was eventually caught - did his time - then disappeared into the pages of old west lore. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Buffalo Bill Cody Poster - William Frederick Cody Buffalo Bill’s show business career began  at the age of 26, on December 17, 1872 in Chicago. Ned Buntline (The man that immortalized Cody, Hickock and scores of other Wild West personalities in his dime novels) had written a play called "The Scouts of the Prairie". Cody appeared in it, as did another well-known scout, Texas Jack Omohundro, as well as Buntline. Reviews of Cody's acting were mixed but he was a natural in front of an audience, and actor or not, Buffalo Bill was a showman.By the time Bill died in 1917, he had laid the ground work for the modern rodeo and was the most recognizable person on earth. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Doc Holliday Poster - J.H. Holliday - Dentist

    Our poster paper is heavy duty 65# stock, special ordered by the ream, and is the closest we have found to actual parchment paper that would have been used in the 19th century. It’s heavy weight and won’t get torn or blown off  the hitching post! We don’t stain it (reducing it’s life) all our aging is done with graphics – making them crisp and clear. Our original old west posters are just the thing for decorating your wild west saloon, office, SASS Clubhouse, Firearms Shop, Shooting Range, or any other western themed business. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Wyatt Earp Poster - The Story-Book Marshal "Fast is fine - but accuracy is final."  Our poster paper is heavy duty 65# stock, special ordered by the ream, and is the closest we have found to actual parchment paper that would have been used in the 19th century. It’s heavy weight and won’t get torn or blown off  the hitching post! We don’t stain it (reducing it’s life) all our aging is done with graphics – making them crisp and clear. Our original old west posters are just the thing for decorating your wild west saloon, office, SASS Clubhouse, Firearms Shop, Shooting Range, or any other western themed business. Posters are all ~ 11 x 17 and are shipped flat. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Wild Bill Hickok Poster - James Butler Hickok The prototype of the old west pistol fighter, Bill Hickok had the size, the sad eyes and the heroic exploits to make an impression on most anybody. When Dave Tutt bragged he could, "Shoot a bird on the wing"  in Springfield, 1865, Bill Hickok was quick to reply, "Did the crow have a pistol? Was he shooting back? I will be." There's a number of reasons people say Hickok and Tutt fought, but what ever it was this is about the only actual documented face off in a dusty street in Old West History. And so on July 21, 1865, in the town square of Springfield, Missouri, Hickok shot dead Davis Tutt, Jr. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  •  Bat Masterson Poster - an original old west poster from the last best west William Barclay Masterson. Our poster paper is heavy duty stock, special ordered by the ream, and is the closest we have found to actual parchment paper that would have been used in the 19th century. It's heavy weight and won't get torn or blown off the hitching post! We don't stain it (reducing it's life) all our aging is done with graphics - making them crisp and clear. Posters are all ~ 11 x 17 inches and are shipped flat.

    Authentic Wanted Posters Legends of the West  ~ Original Wild West Poster Line

  • Jesse James Poster - The Middle Border Marauder

    Our poster paper is heavy duty 60# stock, special ordered by the ream, and is the closest we have found to actual parchment paper that would have been used in the 19th century. It's heavy weight and won't get torn or blown off  the hitching post! We don't stain it (reducing it's life) all our aging is done with graphics - making them crisp and clear. Our original old west posters are just the thing for decorating your wild west saloon, office, SASS Clubhouse, Firearms Shop, Shooting Range, or any other western themed business. Posters are all ~ 11 x 17 and are shipped flat. All Authentic Wanted Posters Package Legends of the West Posters Package Original Wild West Poster Line
  • Alaska Territory U.S. Marshal Badge - In 1884, law in the rugged Alaska Territory was upheld by Federal Marshals under a U.S. District Judge. At the start of the Nome gold rush there was only one Marshal and ten Deputies. In 1897, Deputy Marshals William C. Watt and James Mark Rowan were the first to be killed in the line of duty. This badge is representative of what they wore. Our Old West replica badges are crafted out of steel and brass. We double-stamp them and then they are silver plated. Finally each Old West badge is hand finished for that worn, antique look. Heavy safety pin closure on the back of each badge. Badges arrive in a small gift box complete with story. Depending on the badge, size range is 1 5/8" inches to 3 1/8″ H. Buy any TWO Badges Buy any THREE Badges
  • U.S. Marshal Durango - William ( Big Bill) Thompson stood 6'4"tall, but that didn't help him when he got into a gunfight with Jesse Stensel, the Town Marshal of Durango. Thompson was closing down gambling halls under the Governor's orders. Marshal Stensel objected, and the two emptied their guns at each other. Sheriff Thompson died from four bullet wounds. After it was discovered that one of Thompson's wounds was to his back, the Marshal was arrested for murder. Before the trial could take place, Sheriff Thompson's clothing, which was the vital evidence to prove the murder charge, was burned by the undertaker. As a result, Stansel was acquitted and very soon after he moved to Texas. Our Old West replica badges are crafted out of steel and brass. We double-stamp them and then they are silver plated. Finally each Old West badge is hand finished for that worn, antique look. Heavy safety pin closure on the back of each badge. Badges arrive in a small gift box complete with story. Depending on the badge, size range is 1 5/8" inches to 3 1/8″ H. Buy any TWO Badges Buy any THREE Badges
  • U.S. Marshal Tombstone Badge - In 1877 or so Clay Calhoun was Deputy U.S. Marshal for Arizona, Tombstone, and leader of a group of 5 or 6 men known as "Outlaw Exterminators, Inc." By the time the Earps arrived in Tombstone in 1879, Calhoun had moved on. Our Old West replica badges are crafted out of steel and brass. We double-stamp them and then they are silver plated. Finally each Old West badge is hand finished for that worn, antique look. Heavy safety pin closure on the back of each badge. Badges arrive in a small gift box complete with story. Depending on the badge, size range is 1 5/8" inches to 3 1/8″ H. Buy any TWO Badges Buy any THREE Badges
  • U.S. Marshal - Round Badge - A badge of this type was worn by Deputy U.S. Marshal Wiley Green Haines in the Oklahoma Territory at the turn of the century. Our Old West replica badges are crafted out of steel and brass. We double-stamp them and then they are silver plated. Finally each Old West badge is hand finished for that worn, antique look. Heavy safety pin closure on the back of each badge. Badges arrive in a small gift box complete with story. Depending on the badge, size range is 1 5/8" inches to 3 1/8″ H. Buy any TWO Badges Buy any THREE Badges
  • U.S. Marshal - Star Badge - Virgil Earp wore such a badge as this during his time in Tombstone. Virgil was commissioned by Crawley P. Dake, U.S. Marshal for Arizona. After Virgil was ambushed and crippled in 1882, it was Dake who appointed Wyatt as a (temporary) Deputy U.S. Marshal to pursue his brother Morgan's killer. Our Old West replica badges are crafted out of steel and brass. We double-stamp them and then they are silver plated. Finally each Old West badge is hand finished for that worn, antique look. Heavy safety pin closure on the back of each badge. Badges arrive in a small gift box complete with story. Depending on the badge, size range is 1 5/8" inches to 3 1/8″ H. Buy any TWO Badges Buy any THREE Badges
  • Marshal Territory of New Mexico Badge - During the late 1880s cattlemen wars were common in the southwest, making a Marshal a very good man to have in the Territory of New Mexico. With bandits and gunfighters like Billy the Kid causing trouble, the citizens were grateful to have Marshals like Richard Dallam, Pat Garrett, and Sheriff Elfego Baca to keep the peace in the cowboy capital of the Old West. Our Old West replica badges are crafted out of steel and brass. We double-stamp them and then they are silver plated. Finally each Old West badge is hand finished for that worn, antique look. Heavy safety pin closure on the back of each badge. Badges arrive in a small gift box complete with story. Depending on the badge, size range is 1 5/8" inches to 3 1/8″ H. Buy any TWO Badges Buy any THREE Badges
  • Marshal Dodge City Badge - this badge was worn by such famous lawmen as Bat Masterson, Ed Masterson, Charlie Bassett, and Wyatt Earp. Our Old West replica badges are crafted out of steel and brass. We double-stamp them and then they are silver plated. Finally each Old West badge is hand finished for that worn, antique look. Heavy safety pin closure on the back of each badge. Badges arrive in a small gift box complete with story. Depending on the badge, size range is 1 5/8" inches to 3 1/8″ H. Buy any TWO Badges Buy any THREE Badges
  • Blank Marshal Badge - The shape of this Marshal badge is the same that Bat Masterson and Wyatt Earp wore in the 1870s in Dodge City. The blank ribbon can be engraved at your local engraver. Our logo is NOT on the actual badge. Our Old West replica badges are crafted out of steel and brass. We double-stamp them and then they are silver plated. Finally each Old West badge is hand finished for that worn, antique look. Heavy safety pin closure on the back of each badge. Badges arrive in a small gift box complete with story. Depending on the badge, size range is 1 5/8" inches to 3 1/8″ H. Buy any TWO Badges Buy any THREE Badges
  • U.S. Marshal (Plain) Badge - This is the same type of badge that was worn by James Arness as Matt Dillon in the TV series "Gunsmoke". Our Old West replica badges are crafted out of steel and brass. We double-stamp them and then they are silver plated. Finally each Old West badge is hand finished for that worn, antique look. Heavy safety pin closure on the back of each badge. Badges arrive in a small gift box complete with story. Depending on the badge, size range is 1 5/8" inches to 3 1/8″ H. Buy any TWO Badges Buy any THREE Badges
  • U.S. Marshal (Fancy) Badge - This is the type of badge worn by Wyatt Earp, after the Gunfight at the OK Corral. Our Old West replica badges are crafted out of steel and brass. We double-stamp them and then they are silver plated. Finally each Old West badge is hand finished for that worn, antique look. Heavy safety pin closure on the back of each badge. Badges arrive in a small gift box complete with story. Depending on the badge, size range is 1 5/8" inches to 3 1/8″ H. Buy any TWO Badges Buy any THREE Badges
  • Marshal Deadwood Badge - After the murder of Wild Bill Hickok and the inexplicable acquittal of Jack McCall, the leading citizens of Deadwood decided they needed some law and order, and to that end set up the position of Town Marshal on Aug 5, 1876, just 3 days after Wild Bill went down. Our Old West replica badges are crafted out of steel and brass. We double-stamp them and then they are silver plated. Finally each Old West badge is hand finished for that worn, antique look. Heavy safety pin closure on the back of each badge. Badges arrive in a small gift box complete with story. Depending on the badge, size range is 1 5/8" inches to 3 1/8″ H. Buy any TWO Badges Buy any THREE Badges
  • Bat-wing Custom Leather Chaps - classic quality leather cowboy chaps from the last best west

    Beautifully crafted from tough and durable chap leather, our Bat-wing Custom Leather Chaps style of chaps afford great leg coverage on horseback. This design also provides more air circulation and is thus somewhat cooler for hot-weather wear. Enter your chap measurements in the appropriate boxes. Directions for getting accurate chap measurements are in the gallery and just below on a tab. 250_white_filials
  • Lightweight shotgun Leather Chaps, with zipper closure, hand made by the last best west. We use premium quality leather to make these fine looking fringed shotgun chaps, that are perfect for summer wear. Nickle conchos run the leg of the chaps, and 6 Lone star conchos on the belt add a little sizzle to the design. Shown in a women's model but can just as easily be made for a man. Available in Black or Brown.
  • Wide-leg Fringed Shotgun Chaps - - With zipper or clip closure - made to order by the last best west These are excellent work chaps...we use heavy, oiled chap leather to produce these good looking, hard-wearing shotgun chaps. Similar to the chaps shown on the 1880s cowboy to the right; and if you'd like yours to have pockets; just ask. All details of your order are confirmed within 1 business day of your order being placed. We close them with a good heavy zipper, and we run fringe down the leg to hide the zipper from view. Available in light or mid-brown oiled leather.
  • Open Range Leather Chaps - a traditional step-in shotgun chap design from the last best west Our Leather Master has been working with leather, hide and fur for more than 30 years, and over his career has made close to a thousand pairs of chaps. For truly authentic, Handmade Leather Chaps and leather accessories you've come to the right place! The style of our Open Range Handmade Leather Chaps, with the 2 front pockets, was likely the most common design worn by working cowboys of the 19th century, and up to modern times. The step in design has a leather gusset down the back of the leg that you step through to put the chaps on. Enter your chap measurements in the appropriate boxes. 250_white_filials
  • Captain Walker Leather Holster - Custom cross-draw holster for the Walker Colt black powder pistol. Shown with a custom 4 inch wide leather belt. Color: Deadwood Brown Add the belt at checkout to save $40!
  • Ladies Handmade Leather Holster and tapered gun belt in black. This is a great rig for a woman shooting Cowboy Action or Classic Cowboy. Our standard gun belt as shown has 18 loops and the holster wears equally well as a strong hand or cross draw holster. Our standard gun belt has a garrison buckle, and can be ordered as a billeted or tapered style. Shown here in a tapered style with a better buckle set.
  • Fancy Buscadero Leather Holster - Our Fancy Buscadero has loops all the way around, and the belt and holster have a distinctive border edging. Shown with better buckle #2, the holster comes with hammer and leg tie downs.
  • Paladin Buscadero Leather Holster - the classic western buscadero hand made by the last best west Our Classic Buscadero is sleek and elegant - patterned after that holster worn by Richard Boone as Paladin in Have Gun Will Travel. Or you can order the plain buscadero we show as well. This is the one seen in shows like Gunsmoke, The Magnificent Seven, The Rifleman, Westworld and so on . Either rig comes with hammer and leg tie downs. If you prefer the plain version just request it in the production notes.
  • Traditional Slim Jim Holster hand-made in leather by the last best west Shown at left in saddle tan, antique brown, and black. The Black Slim Jim Holster is a left strong hand draw and can be also be worn on the right hip for a left-hand cross draw or further back on the hip for a right handed "Twist" or "Cavalry" or "Hickok" draw. One holster three different ways you can wear it.
  • Black Knight Leather Holster - a classic western holster hand made by the last best west We had this chess piece Knight stamp custom made for our Paladin Buscadero. After we had a look at it - we liked it so much we decided to do it on our classic Slim Jim holster. Shown with a .45cal Schofield. We will custom make to fit your single action firearm. 250_white_filials
  • Rooster Hand Made Leather Holster - From True Grit (1969). Color Shown at right: Saddle Tan The gorge or opening at the top of the holster is shaped similar to our Masterson Holster, but is more shallow to show more of the cylinder. Holster is a closed toe, and was a favorite style of holster from movies like The Searchers, True Grit and many others. Below we're showing a plain antique brown 1 3/4" Masterson belt with our Rooster Holster. You can order either as a closed toe or open-toe design. Choose your holster options easily during the check out process.
  • Blondie Holster Heavy Cartridge Belt - Blondie holster at left is 5 1/2" inches in length, with our fully looped, heavy cartridge belt.  
  • Blondie Movie Holster hand made by the last best west The man with no name rig from the spaghetti Westerns of the 1960s. Color: Brown - natural rough out leather. Also available in black rough out. Our Blondie Movie Holster has a fully exposed trigger guard, affording fast access. Choose black or brown rough out leather (suede).  Gun belt has the classic gunfighter stitching, and 6 cartridge loops.
  • Vin Movie Holster - Steve McQueen's holster and gunbelt from The Magnificent 7 Color Shown: Saddle Tan Our version of the holster worn by Steve McQueen in that iconic western; The Magnificent Seven, our Vin holster is angled forward to speed the pistol into your hand. Movie style is shown with a bit of barrel out the end of the holster, but holster looks and works just as well if made to the same length as your firearm. Gun belt has the gunfighter infinite stitching, with 6 loops for reloads at the tail end of the belt. Save $20 when you buy the complete rig - just select "Add Matching Belt" at checkout. 
  • Teddy Blue

    Teddy Blue Holster and Belt Teddy Blue Holster and Belt hand made old west leather by the last best west This Rig is based on leather holster and cartridge belt from the 1880s. This is also the same rig that Kurt Russell wears as Wyatt Earp in the excellent western film, Tombstone {1993}.
  • a classic old west holster from the last best west Charley Leather Holster and Gun Belt - The Charley Waite rig from Open Range{2003} The Charley Leather Holster is patterned after a traditional 2 loop holster from the 1880s. The Charley is a closed toe design and is shown in the movie color, antique brown. Available in all colors.
  • Combination Shoulder Holster - Comes complete with holster, knife sheath, and 6 cartridge loops. We put our thinking cap on to come up with this versatile design! The strap system that secures the shoulder holster can be easily changed so the harness can be worn two ways, vertically or horizontally.
  • Old West Shoulder Holster - Based on the classic Texas pattern shoulder holster from about 1890, and once again we have eliminated the chest strap and the holster is secured by using a strap and buckle that goes across your back, and over the opposite arm. To secure the holster up and down we have a strap and buckle that loops over your pants belt. We have left lots of length to the straps so you can adjust it to fit comfortably.
  • Big Game Cartridge Belt - We made this three {3"} inch cartridge belt for a big game hunter, before he went on safari to Africa. Shown in our classic antique brown color, we've double looped this belt so it will hold your high velocity cartridges securely. Shown holding .30CAL WINMAG, and the belt is a Tapered style, but can also be done as a Billeted belt. We will confirm your specific cartridge, and other order details, within 1 business day of your order being placed.
  • 3 Inch Cartridge or Gun Belt - a classic cartridge belt made by hand from the last best west A cartridge belt with your choice of loop size is a handy addition to any SASS shooter's or hunter's equipment. Our cartridge belt as shown has 30 loops to hold any size cartridge you want. Whatever size you wear, we will fill the length of the belt with loops. The exact number will vary by the length of belt, and the tapered design holds more than the billeted style.
  • Curly Bill Movie Holster - a hand made leather holster from Tombstone. {1993} COLOR SHOWN: Deadwood Brown This close toed holster is a little fancier variation of our traditional 19th century Teddy Blue Holster. The Curly Bill Movie Holster has a fancier border and the look is toughened up with 10 spots per holster. The 2 rig set that Boothe wears as Curly Bill Brocius, in Tombstone, was patterned after the rig that the historical Curly Bill wore. 2 Cartridge belts, one worn backwards and two strong hand draw holsters.   To order the complete Curly Bill Movie Rig, with 2 holsters and 2 fully looped cartridge belts, add all 3 options below where it asks, Add a Matching Belt and/or Holster? This will save you 35 dollars for the complete 2 rig set. Total will be 905.00 plus shipping. Choose your Buckle Set, Leather Color and Belt Style
  • Johnny Ringo leather holster hand made by the last best west A classic Hollywood holster and gun belt- from Tombstone. {1993} This closed toe design is made for quick draws with it's trigger guard fully exposed from the holster. We're showing our Johnny Ringo in our classic old mahogany color .  Movie rig is black.
  •   Masterson Single Action Holster 

    Classic Cross Draw Holster - Simple, elegant and functional

    Masterson Belt if you order the Rig is 1 1/2" - to accommodate belt loops on today's britches. We made sure it fits Levi's jeans, and when worn with a sport coat or longer coat, is the perfect holster for people with the conceal & carry permit. Holster works equally well as either a cross draw or strong hand draw style. If you'd like the cut out star concho on the holster, please request it in the production notes below. 250_white_filials
  • Northwest Peak Cowboy Hat

    Northwest Peak Cowboy Hat by the last best west This 4 pinch peak was first shown in the Northwest in the 1880s. Today most State Troopers wear a version of this crown working, as do the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Canada.
    • Color Shown: Dyed Natural.
    • Crown: 4 pinch peak.
    • Brim: Hand shaped-Open.
    • Hatband: Braided Leather
    • Crown: 6"
    • Brim: 4"
  • Working Champie Cowboy Hat

    Working Champie Cowboy Hat - This is the working version of the Champie. Open Brim - not bound, more creasing to the crown. This crown shape is one of the most popular designs - from the late 19th century all the way to modern times. These days this basic crown shape is called the "Gus" after Robert Duvall's character in Lonesome Dove.
    • Crown: 6 inches
    • Brim 4"
    • Color Shown: Sahara.
    • Crown: Modified 3 Pinch cavalry.
    • Brim: Hand worked-Open.
    • Hatband: 1/4" grosgrain ribbon Cavalry Tie
  • 1890s Cavalry Hat

     1890s Cavalry Hat, an authentic old west cavalry hat custom made by the last best west This 1890s cavalry hat is the classic look sported by the US Cavalry in the later quarter of the 19th Century. Add a top quality cavalry cord with acorns for 20 dollars. It slides over the existing satin ribbon and bow - like they did back in the day.
    • Crown: 5 inches 3 pinch cavalry
    • Brim: 4 inches Hand worked - Open brim edge
    • Color Shown: Sand
    • Hatband: Satin Ribbon cavalry tied
  • 1898 Campaign Hat

    1898 Campaign Hat - The Spanish–American War was a conflict between Spain and the United States of America from April to August 1898. It heralded the emergence of America as a world power and climaxed with Teddy Roosevelt's' charge up San Juan Hill in Cuba. This is the enlisted man's hat style.
    • Color Shown: Sand.
    • Crown: 4 pinch peak.
    • Brim: Flat-Open.
    • Hatband: 1/2" Satin with bow
    • Crown: 6"
    • Brim: 3 1/4"
  • Officer’s Civil War Hat

    Officer's Civil War Hat - A traditional 1860s era cavalry hat hand made by the last best west Officer's Civil War Hat - Louis Kossuth was an immigrant from Hungary and in 1852 he introduced the "Slouch Hat" style to America. Over the next decade the term came to signify almost all soft creased hats with medium or wider brims. Even a medium brim was an improvement over the European styled Kepis and Forage caps of the day. Shown in Union black, if you wish Confederate Gray - order silver mist.
    • Crown: 4 1/2" inches
    • Brim: 4 inches
    • Color Shown: Black.
    • Crown: 3 dent slouch.
    • Brim: Hand shaped with 1/2" Pencil Roll-Bound.
    • Hatband: 1" Satin with 1898 bow. Shown with optional windstring and cavalry cord.
  • Lieutenant Colonel Kilgore Hat - This hat is a higher crowned variation of a cavalry slouch hat, with an unbound brim, dating back to the mid 1800s. We have a 1 inch satin ribbon and bow for the hatband with the cavalry cord slid over top. The crown shape makes this hat a cousin to our Little J hat.
    • Crown: 6 inches
    • Brim 4 inches
    • Color Shown: Black with optional light trail dust.
    • Crown: Modified Slouch.
    • Brim: Hand rolled-Open.
    • Hatband: Satin Ribbon and bow with optional Cavalry Cord.
  • Orry Main Custom Hat

    Orry Main Custom Hat - The 1980s were the decade of the mini-series, and the civil war era North and South was one of the best. Patrick Swayze played the young hero, pining for the abused married woman, played by the beautiful Leslie-Anne Down. Show hat is an undyed natural color.
    • Crown: 6 inches Slouch
    • Brim 4" inches Hand rolled-Open
    • Color Shown: Silver Mist
    • Hatband: Cavalry Cord
  • Custer Civil War Cowboy Hat

    Custer Civil War Cowboy Hat - George Custer was as flamboyant an old west personality as any of his generation, and was anything but camera shy. Many pictures exist of Custer and this one was taken at the end of the Civil War {1866} when Custer still held his battle rank of Major General. We were proud to make a Custer for legendary guitarist, James Thornbury, formerly of Canned Heat.


    • Crown: 4" inches soft pecan top
    • Brim: 4 3/4" Hand shaped, centre right pushed up
    • Color Shown: Rust (currently unavailable) with black bound edge
    • Hatband: 1" inch black Satin with 1898 Bow
    • Musician Favorite
  • Boot Hill Cowboy Hat

    Our Boot Hill cowboy hat is shown in a new color for us - Black Cherry. If you look closely this black appearing hat has a warm under color - a deep cherry that is easiest to see in bright light.
    • Crown: 5" inches Modified Sagebrush
    • Brim: 4 inches Kettle Curl with Bound Edge
    • Color Shown: Black Cherry with black bound edge
    • Hatband: 1" inch black Satin with 1898 Bow
    • Check tabs below for our hat options and colors
  • Wasey Hat

    Wasey Hat - Modified Sagebrush shaped crown was one of the most common of the first few decades of the 20th century. Made famous in the early silent westerns by pioneering movie maker and star William S. Hart.
    • Crown: 5 inches
    • Brim 4 3/4"
    • Winchester version has a 3 1/2" brim and 1" leather hatband
    • Color Shown: Undyed natural.
    • Crown: Modified Sagebrush.
    • Brim: Open.
    • Hatband: 1" Satin with Bow.
  • Roughrider

    1898 Roughrider A new version of the original 1898 Spanish-American War 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry Hat. On our 1898 Roughrider Cavalry Hat we dropped the mesh air vent, but included the traditional military style side bow on the hat band. Order with or without the cavalry cord. Easily choose your hat options as you build your hat below. If you prefer the version without the side pinch just request it in the production notes.
    • CROWN: 4 1/4" in.
    • BRIM: 3 1/2" in.
    • Color Shown: Sahara.
    • Available in all colors
    • Crown: centre trench with side pinch.
    • Brim: hand rolled-Open.
    • Hatband: 1" Satin with 1898 bow.
  • USMC M1902 Campaign Hat

    USMC M1902 Campaign Hat - The Few. The Proud. The Philippines. a classic old west military hat custom made by the last best west
    • Crown: 4 1/2" inches
    • Brim 3 1/2"
    • Color Shown: Pecan with optional light trail dust.
    • Crown: Modified Slouch.
    • Brim: Flat/Bent-Open.
    • Hatband: 1 1/2" Satin with1898 bow.


  • Republic Handmade Cowboy Hat

    Republic Handmade Cowboy Hat - Classic hat style from the early days of Hollywood. This hat shape was one of the most common worn by the early western film stars. You can see it being worn by the B-Western stars, in many of the westerns made at Republic Studios in the 1930s and 40s.
    • Color Shown: Silver Belly.
    • Crown: centre fire.
    • Brim: Hand shaped-Bound.
    • Hatband: 3/8" Grosgrain ribbon, tied cavalry style.
  • Cole Jackson Cowboy Hat

    Cole Jackson Cowboy Hat - The upswept crown on this hat is a classic look sported in many westerns throughout film history. This hat style is similar to The Tristan, Dodge City, Hidalgo and others!
    • Color Shown: Sand.
    • Crown: modified 3 pinch cavalry.
    • Brim: Hand shaped-Bound.
    • Hatband: 1/2 inch ribbon tied cavalry style.
  • John Elder Movie Hat

    John Elder Movie Hat - John Elder isn't very popular around town.  He starts asking questions about how his mother lost the family ranch, in The Sons of Katie Elder. This is one of those formula westerns from the 1960s. Dean Martin, Earl Holliman, and Michael Anderson Jr. play 3 of the brothers.  All three come home for their mother's funeral. Its not long before they start hearing whispers about their father being murdered and their mother cheated out of the family ranch.
    • Crown: 6" inch modified pecan top with side pinch.
    • Brim: 4" inches Hand shaped-Open.
    • Color Shown: Chocolate.
    • Hatband: 2 strands of twisted lace, tied cavalry style. Shown with optional wind string.
  • Hoppy Handmade Cowboy Hat

    Hoppy Handmade Cowboy Hat - This crown shape comes from early years of the 20th century and was known as the Champie in bygone days. This hat style was made famous by William Boyd as Hopalong Cassidy, in his 1930 and 40s era B-Movies.
    • Crown: 6 inches Crown: Champie Crease
    • Brim: 4 1/2" inches Kettle Curl and hand rolled- with  bound edge
    • Color Shown: Black
    • Hatband: 1" Grosgrain ribbon and bow.
  • King Schultz custom hat style is basically a modified bowler. By that we mean that the five {5"} inch crown is bowler round and the brim is wider and flattened out, compared to a standard bowler. Masterson Bowler, Butch Cassidy Bowler
    • Color Shown: Granite
    • Crown: 5 inches Open or un-creased.
    • Brim: 2 1/4" Kettle Curl and hand shaped-Bound.
    • Hatband: 2" black grosgrain ribbon and bow
  • Little Hoss Cowboy Hat


    The Little Hoss Cowboy hat - a great character hat style - hand made by the last best west

    Little Hoss Cowboy Hat - A Doctor in upstate New York wanted this unique hat style for his rural practice. This town hat style and variations of it were seen in cities and towns all over the world in the 19th century.
    • Crown: 6 inches
    • Brim: 2 3/4"
    • Color Shown: Pecan in long haired Frontier fur felt
    • Crown: Open or Uncreased
    • Brim: hand rolled-Open
    • Hatband: 1" Grosgrain ribbon and bow

  • Rock’n Billy

    Rock'n Billy - A variation of our Little Hoss hat this hat has a slight pencil roll, bound edge and cavalry style hat band. We made this first hat for the guitar player in an English ZZ Top tribute band. Rock on Bubba!
    • Crown: 6 inches
    • Brim 2 3/4"
    • Color Shown: Pecan with optional medium Trail Dust.
    • Crown: Open or Uncreased.
    • Brim: Pencil roll and hand shaped-Bound Edge.
    • Hatband: 1/4" chocolate ribbon, cavalry tied.
    • Musician Favorite
  • Dylan Thunder

    Dylan Thunder - Our take on The Rolling Thunder hat from the 1960s. Bob Dylan has some of the most dedicated fans, and his appeal is truly world wide. It should come as no surprise that there are festivals dedicated to bringing together all the various tribute singers of his timeless songs. We made this first hat, for one of them.
    • Crown: 4 1/4" inches
    • Brim: 3 1/4"
    • Color Shown: Silver Belly.
    • Crown: Soft top dent.
    • Brim: pencil roll, front pushed up slightly-Open.
    • Hatband: 1" Grosgrain ribbon and bow
    • Musician Favorite
  • Dylan Custom Town Hat

    Our version of the Dylan Custom Town Hat - A 21st century updated version of his classic Rolling Thunder hat from the 1960s. This hat has a classic telescope crown, with a pencil roll, creating a dynamic and distinctive hat. A couple of musicians from Bavaria in Germany liked the hat that they had seen Bob Dylan wearing in a 2010 concert. So we made them two.
    • Crown 4 1/2" inches
    • Brim 3 1/2"
    • Color Shown: Bone
    • Crown: Telescope
    • Brim: Pencil rolled-Open
    • Hatband: 1 1/2" Satin ribbon with Bow
    • Musician Favorite
  • Georgia Devil Cowboy Hat

    Georgia Devil Cowboy Hat - This Charley Daniels hat style has the largest dimensions we can make: A 6 inch crown and a 5 inch brim. Some have a bigger brim dip front and back, some more of a brim curl, tell us which you favor and we will shape it just so.
    • CROWN HEIGHT: 6"
    • BRIM: 5"
    • Color Shown: Silver belly and Charcoal.
    • Crown: modified cattleman.
    • Brim: hand rolled-open.
    • Hatband: 1" leather with nickel concho's and buckle.
    • OR 1/4 inch cavalry ribbon
    • Musician Favorite
  • Vin Tanner Movie Hat

    Our version of the Vin Tanner Movie Hat  This is the hat style worn by Steve McQueen as the gunfighter Vin Tanner in the 1960s Magnificent Seven. The hat style is similar to the Texican, but the Vin hat has a shorter brim. To make the Vin movie grade add heavy trail dust during the checkout process.
    • Crown: 5" inches Modified Canadian
    • Brim: 3 1/2" Hand shaped and rolled - Open
    • Hatband: 1/4" cavalry
    • Color Shown: Silver belly
  • Texican Movie Hat

    Texican Movie Hat - Our take on Audie Murphy's favorite Cowboy hat hand made by the last best west Audie Murphy was recruited by Hollywood because of his WWII fame, and was soon an up and coming movie star. He is best remembered for his westerns, of which he made several memorable ones. Films like Seven Ways from Sundown,The Texican, Destry, Gunsmoke, Ride a Crooked Trail, and The Unforgiven, are just a few.
    • CROWN HEIGHT: 4 1/2" Modified Canadian
    • BRIM: 3 1/2" Hand shaped and rolled - Open
    • Color Shown: Silver belly.
    • Hatband: Custom 1" black leather.
  • 2nd Hand Lions Movie Hat

    Our version of the 2nd hand lions movie hat is a classic 3 dent sagebrush crown with a contrasting hatband and bound edge - 2nd Hand Lions Movie Hat worn by Michael Caine as Garth. This hat is similar to the Conagher and a cousin of the Wasey. Check out the tabs below for our hat options and available colors. After you select your hat color, enter your hatband and bound edge color in the PRODUCTION NOTES. We send you an e-mail once the order comes in to confirm your hat details.
    • Crown: 6" 3 Dent Sagebrush
    • Brim: 4" hand shaped-Bound
    • Hatband: 1" Grosgrain ribbon and bound edge in BONE
    • Color Shown: Chocolate
  • Big Jim Cowboy Hat

    Big Jim Cowboy Hat - A bigger brimmed version of our Jim West hat This big brimmed hat has the classic telescope crown with an old west roll to the big kettle curled brim.Big Jim Cowboy Hat is a great Range hat and has a 3 3/4" finished brim width, great for all weather conditions. Add our optional trail dust to take off the new hat shine!
    • Crown: 4 1/4 " Telescope.
    • Brim: 3 3/4" inches Kettle Curled and hand rolled-Bound.
    • Hatband: 1" Grosgrain ribbon and bow.
    • Color Shown: Black with optional light trail dust.
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